The SETI Institute serves as an institutional home for scientific and educational projects relevant to the nature, distribution, and prevalence of life in the universe. The Institute conducts and/or encourages research and related activities in a large number of fields including, but not limited to, all science and technology aspects of astronomy and the planetary sciences, chemical evolution, the origin of life, biological evolution, and cultural evolution. The Institute also has a primary goal to conduct and encourage public information and education related to these topics.
Institute projects have been sponsored by NASA Ames Research Center, NASA Headquarters, the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, the US Geological Survey, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the International Astronomical Union, Argonne National Laboratory, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the David and Lucille Packard Foundation, the Paul G. Allen Foundation, the Moore Family Foundation, private industry, and private donations. The Institute welcomes support from private foundations or other groups/individuals interested in SETI. Each funded effort (53 separate multi-year projects funded since 1985) is supervised by a principal investigator who is responsible to the Board of Directors for the conduct of the activity.
The SETI Institute is a nonprofit corporation founded in 1984 (California Corporation #1261957). The Institute is a scientific and educational organization governed by the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and the Institute's Federal identification number for reporting and tax purposes is 94-2951356. All contributions to the Institute will be used to further the goals described above and are deductible to the donor for both State and Federal income tax purposes.
Questions regarding the Institute or its programs may be directed to:
SETI Institute
2035 Landings Drive
Mountain View, CA 94043
SETI Institute - 2035 Landings Drive - Mountain View, CA (415) 961-6633